We find that there is a common question that comes up among brides when planning their wedding: “what is traditional?”
While there are things that used to be considered traditional, more couples are starting to let go of what their parents did and doing things their way.
Don’t get us wrong, if there is a tradition that is rooted in your religion or culture, by all means carry on that tradition, we want to respect and recognize the things that make you who you are.
If you’re planning your wedding and keep asking yourself “do I have to do that?” we’re going to break down some well known traditions that you can skip all together, or upgrade with your own personal twist!
The first look This is the only exception where we say yes, but only because the first look is going to happen at some point! How you have your first look is completely up to you though. It had been said to be bad luck if the couple saw each other prior to walking down the aisle but couples are no longer abiding by that rule.
Whether you choose to hold hands but not see each other or do a private, secluded first look with just the two of you, there are many ways to have a “first look.” Separate sides at the ceremony You’re bringing everyone together to celebrate your love, so why try to keep people separate?
You’ve probably seen signs that say “pick a seat, not a side…” and this couldn’t be more true! Tip:
If you will be allowing guests to sit where they choose, reserve the first two rows on each side for the parents and grandparents or any other immediate family. Bride standing on the left side While it has been common for the bride to stand on the left and the groom on the right, this is no longer something that people follow.
Especially as we celebrate same-sex couples, we don’t want anyone to feel they have to label themselves and stand on that designated side. Stand on whichever side makes you the most comfortable or if you photograph better on one side than the other, stand on that side! Saying vows during the ceremony While it can be sweet to hear your significant other confess their love for you in front of all of your family and friends, you don’t have to say your vows during the ceremony. Vows can be incredibly personal so if you would like, opt for saying these during your first look together.
The bouquet or garter toss Don’t want to single out your partnerless friends or not exactly a fan of the history behind the garter toss? Not to worry! Instead, opt for something like an anniversary dance or a newlywed game. Just because it was tradition then doesn’t mean it’s tradition now! Tradition is whatever you want it to be so go on and mix it up, start something new, or nix it all together. It’s your day, do it YOUR way!